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主题 : 北京大学博士生考试基础词汇汇总
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-11-17   
来源于 考博资料 分类


博士生考试基础词汇汇总 M~X~2`fFH  
AbandonThe match was abandoned because of bad weather. SXXO#  
ban  abolish abort  cancel  cross out  wipe out   put off delay  daB 5E<?  
desert/forsake/leave / cease / depart  / discard /relinquish / surrender /quit/ withdraw /give up uI)z4Z  
abideWe have to abide by the rules of the game. (abide  observe  discover adapt) O|v 8.3[cT  
Herfame will abide for sure.  Last/endure/continue/persist/remain/stay AHa]=ka>  
.^- I<4.  
Youhave to keep ______ with the times.  \*fXPJ4  
Abreast/up  catch up with go along with  fit in with hZ>1n&[ @  
absorb  He was absorbed in a book and didn't hear youcall. Oxi^&f||`  
engage/occupy/bendover/involve/be busy with %@I= $8j  
Abundant/rich  The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and game 7&dF=/:X@  
access  In many schools, students don't havesufficient access to the library. meD83,L~N  
Way/approach/solution/answer/ Fe2iG-ec  
Accessible/available/handy/ready/convenient/obtainable/athand =4/K#cQ  
Hiswords are never in _____ with his deeds. (situation   accordance   according  fit) e9F+R@8  
I'min agreement with Mr. Moore.      in agreementwith/ be compatible with /comply with /conform to/be in proportion to UJ)( Sw  
account  He asked no one's advice; he did it on hisown (account).independently BS?rKtdm(  
Youhave to take everything into account/consideration.Attention/regard/respect/mind g s%[Cv  
Giveus an account of what happened.  Story/reason/information/description/tale/statement G Mg|#DV  
Hehas been asked to account for his absence. ( describe  tell relate  answer for  say explain   explicate) ;3 =RM\  
acquire   to acquire a good knowledge of English.  Attain/obtain/gain/earn/secure q] '2'"k  
active  He is very active in politics.   e1H2w? s  
Energetic/spirited/lively/dynamic/excited/enthusiastic T\TKgO=)  
adapt  To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself)to the situation. D' h%.  
Adjust/accommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fit kI~; 'M  
accustom She is ______to living in comfort.  (accustomed/used   addict be familiar with) kybDw{(}gc  
admit  It will take you half an hour to get to thestation, allowing for traffic delays.  Z"9D1Uk  
(allow/admit/accept/permit/receive/confess/acknowledge/adopt) j[$+hh3:  
jGn2Q L  
adequateTheir earnings are barely adequate to their needs. `G>BvS5h  
enough/sufficient/satisfactory/plenty/ample ^%RIz!}  
j'LO '&sQ(  
advantage  The great advantage we have over them is thatthey are short of money. " Iz M :  
Benefit/gain/upperhand    interest/profit/harvest/crop/earnings/returns Nj}-"R\u  
Aim  His aim is to win the game.  {xQ(xy  
Purpose/intention/goal/end/target/objective/motive/destination :w26d-QR(  
Amass  He amassed a great fortune in twentyyears.  tzG.)Uqs  
Accumulate/assemble/gather/increase/collect/compile/heapup/store up Ft 2u&Rtx  
Mass/bulk/quantity/load/amount/volume/accumulation/pile/heap/crowd/multitude/pack/gang g:[yA{Eh  
Figure/digit/measure q=/ck  
ambitious  These young men were ambitious for successand money. HhT6gJWrU  
Eagerfor/longing for/ hopeful for/wish for/crave for/be set on/be bent on/be intentupon x4/f5  
amount  His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds.  \']_y\  
Addup to/approximate/total/sum up  Qr]`flQ8  
Thefuture of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money. 0)9'x)l:  
sum/measure/quantity/price/value Tf.D FfV#y  
angle  Try looking at this affair from a differentangle. aspect [ UYE.$Y#(  
/view/pointof view/opinion/belief/attitude/impression/notion/ idea/thought/conception/judgment +{H0$4y  
theory/outlook MI|anM  
LVxR *O  
announce  He had to announce the death of Johnsonbefore the board. K|sx"u|?  
Proclaim/broadcast/report/state/declare/notify/tell/makeknown }:4b_-&Q5  
anticipate  A good general can anticipate what the enemywill do. <P 1x3  
expect/look forward to/await/foresee/hope for 9 az{j 1  
anything  The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Notat all n8'#'^|  
Theapparent things might not tell of the truth. TAKv E=a;  
apparentobvious seeming evident clear plain eaCh;IpIf  
apart  Apart from his nose, he is quitegood-looking.  qfl#ki`,  
Apartfrom the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs. &u~#bDh  
Exceptfor / other than /but / but for / besides/moreover/also/too/as well/in addition ;A;FR3=)  
h YE UiQ  
Hewas appointed member of the committee. Mib<1ZM  
Name/elect/nominate/choose/assign/votefor C`r{B.t`GT  
j55;E E!  
appeal  I appeal to him for help.  implore/plead/beg xty)*$C>  
I/ V`@*/+  
apply  Please apply to the secretary for furtherinformation. |++\"g  
Therules of safe driving apply to everyone. Ue2%w/Yo  
approve  Many people don't approve of the plan.disapprove :~%{  
like/prefer/endorse/accept/thinkwell of uo[W|Q  
v2;' F  
ariseThe company's losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes. b&\f 8xZ  
Riseraise rouse arouse arise rs+ ["h  
Originate/derive/stem/ flow/come/emerge/appear/show up/turn up ^M~Z_CQL2  
artificial/artisticHer painting is a great artistic creation. o* C_9M  
X &s"}Hf  
ashamed/shameful   embarrassed/embarrassing  frustrated/frustrating  humiliated/humiliating m*H' Cb  
Ashamedof having acted so rashly, David apologized to Amy for having accused him. ^< wn  
acquaint  I'm sure Betsy is the girl whom you will beglad to get acquainted with. nC(<eL  
associate/link/ touch / join / unite / combine / connect /go with / run with /mingle with /relate   ]@A}v\wa  
Iassume that success is a sum of mistakes. AtYqD<hl:  
Assume  think suppose  presume  suspect understand  take for granted  W|4h;[w  
assure  I can assure you of my support.  i.Z iLDs\7  
confirm assure   ensure   insure convince  guarantee  pledge promise  r}i}4K[1  
8~ w P?  
You’ve got to attain the mastery of atleast on foreign language. ?'RB'o~  
Attain gain  accomplish  finish fulfill  realize   complete Q%!Dk0-)  
attribute  Jim attributes his success to hard work.  owe ascribe   l?)!^}Qc  
14z ?X%  
avoid  You should avoid driving in the center of thetown during the rush hour. 2uLBk<m5c  
Avoid  shun escape  evade  keep away from  Yaj}_M-  
N~~ sM"n  
Thegovernment has banned the used of chemical weapons. `lA_knS  
Barprohibit  exclude  forbid shut out  block   obstruct s`gfz}/  
(z  9M  
bargain  The dress is quite a bargain.  bargain sale  NOFuX9/'w  
/ }Pj^^6A<  
basis  On the basis of our sales forecasts we maybegin to make a profit next year. &a.A8v)  
China hasbeen following the foreign policy to develop relations with other countries onthe basis of the five principles of peaceful co-existence. JA~q}C7A7o  
ground  foundation s w{e |  
Scientists say it may be five or ten years beforeit is possible to test this medicine on human patients.  otbr8&?-  
As soon as  before  the second   the minute  the moment  @Yn+ir0>O  
Youcan’t blame all this on me. h43py8v  
Heis the last one to blame for the accident. 72ZoN<c  
Charge/accuse/indict/censure/criticize/condemn Y_)xytJ$  
board  He paid 40 pounds for board and lodging.  food /meals $,zW0</P*l  
board/committee/ staff/ faculty/ crew/ team X0Wx\xDg[  
boast  You should not boast of your success. Bragshow off c:aW"U   
(67byO {  
boom  Production boomed. 0S96x}]J B  
Progress/increase/advance/thrive/gain/speedup/grow/swell/flourish/develop/prosper C\4d.~C:w3  
brief It is a long letter, but in brief, hesays "No".  short [bw1!X3  
SlG^ H  
Weare bound for London.  Head make  }Ogb|8  
Theweather is bound to get better tomorrow.  Likely  going to v: veKA  
Thereare no bounds to his ambition.  Limitconfine restriction {F q wr>e  
y^z c @f  
call  This situation----_____________ for promptaction.   (calls in calls at calls oncalls for) (%OZ `?`  
Theyhave called off their engagement.  AGm=0Om  
!nq`Py MR  
Shewas calm when I told her of the terrible news. zdw* ?C  
Quiet/still/tranquil/serene/peaceful XhA tf @n  
% m"Qg<  
Weshould not doubt his capability. YUHiD *  
Capability/ability/skill/power/talent/capacity/competency/efficiency \KzH5?  
Beforeyou decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few goodfriends. z(>QGzyc  
Careerjob vocation trade calling work profession occupation B gn%d4W;G  
Thereis no reason why we should not carry on with it. %`QgG   
Carryon  go on keep on  continue  work on be under way  be in process ;rF[y7\  
case  In any case I shall return in a day ortwo.  If even if  for fear on condition DVVyWn[  
center  She centered her attention on the problem. h!v< J  
Focus  concentrate fix  -7]j[{?w  
[sjkm+ ?  
chargeThe charge against him was severe. EZN!3y| m  
Sentence/ accusation/ persecution/guilt/trial/ condemnation/indict /judgment L~^5Ez6U  
cdh0b7tj n  
Since the situation is changing, let’s takesome _____ measures to deal with it. -- FzRO{D  
flexible  changeable   changing  ZX64kk+  
IfI had the choice, I would retire at thirty. i#hFpZ6u  
Selection/preference/option/alternative yi*EobP  
Noone came to claim for the horse, so the farmer decided to sell it. n=bdV(?4  
o{! :N>(  
cling  She clung to the hope that he was stillalive.  Z.u 1Dz  
Stick  adhere   hold  grasp Y)DX   
q[C?1Kc .z  
closeThe ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem. as!a!1  
Listenclosely and look closely, you’ll find it out. >Rd~-w)!|  
Agood employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering withtheir creativity. ON){d!]uJ  
Tip  information news  wind  message clue  evidence  sign proof  key U31@++C[  
combine  Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to form water.  iGu%_ -S  
blend  mix  mingle  fuse  unite couple  join flo$[]`.7  
No} U[u.O  
comment  I'm afraid I can't comment on your work justyet.  Remark   -]HZ?@  
criticism  judgment decision  evaluation  criterion standard   remark   &.\7='$F  
commit  I cannot commit myself to any furtherexpense; my means are stretched to the utmost as it is.   Devote dedicate  @)uV Fw"\  
Comparethis with that, and you will see which is the better.  Contrast wuA?t   
Poetshave compared sleep to death. T5."3i  
Sheis lovely beyond compare. rBNVI;JZW  
comparison  This one costs more but is really cheaper by comparison. 9+^)?JUYll  
Ihave done little this year in comparison with what I did last year. JiaR*3#  
Comparable/comparative `a4&_`E,p  
pWGR #x'  
compel  We cannot compel you to do it, but we thinkyou should. w, LmAWZ4Y  
Force  oblige urge  require  drive press  work hard on   push prompt Iz09O:ER  
Hehas formed a good habit. G XV x/) H  
Form/create/shape/develop/mold/compose/construct/design/devise/frame/arrange/build + U5Q/g  
Assemble/manufacture/produce jU j\<aW  
Nextyear, Susan has to take three compulsory courses.  Required /{i~-DVME  
composeThe committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents. /GIGE##1F  
Consistof/ be made up of  / contain /include/hold/cover/comprise E+@Q u "W  
comprehensive/Comprehensible Ayw_LCUD  
Shehas a comprehensive grasp of the subject.  @kFZN6  
conscious  She was not conscious of his presence in theroom.   Aware rUb{iU;~m  
Considerate/considerable  It was very considerate of you to send me a Christmascard. ;{sZDjev>  
Considerate/thoughtful/kind/sympathetic /grTOf &  
Considerable/much/important/great/significant/powerful 4^L;]v,|7  
Dt: Q$  
contend  I would contend that unemployment is our mostserious social evil. avRtYL  
Argue/struggle/fight/quarrel XHk"nbj  
Our journey was slow because the trainstopped continually at different villages. >&PM'k  
continuously vs continually xaMDec V  
convey  Words cannot convey how delighted I am.   express w.?4}'DK  
cope  Poor Mary!  She has so much to cope with.  k: Pn.<  
dealwith  live with  be put up with  tolerate endure   bear   stand  be fed up with  ~S8:xG+s  
correspond  W@T \i2r$z  
Thisword in the English version corresponds to that phrase in the French one. &>JP.//spi  
count   Her opinion counts because of herexperience.  SOOVUMj  
Matter  be of importance  significant V"YeF:I  
Don’tcount on a salary increase this year. JQ03om--(  
believe  depended count   confide  rely depend  bank #r'MfTr  
critical If you really understood thedifficulties facing the government, you wouldn't be so critical of its spendingreductions.  *dw.=a9  
Crucial urgent  pressing  decisive Jl{ 0q7b  
Ironic  faultfinding picky  fastidious   sarcastic Tv=lr6t8  
cure  This medicine should cure you of your cold. PQ&*(G  
Remind  relieve inform  deprive  rob  break   EF`}*7)  
Itis not my custom to give in. +{:uPY#1  
Custom  habit use  practice  manner way  pattern  tendency fashion  routine  nature ~|+ ~/  
The damage to the house caused by the stormtook several days to repair. Scrj%h%[  
destruction damage  harm ruin  injury  bruise impact  spoil  wrong pain agony distress .t "VsY|  
grieve hurt  impair  abuse plague  epidemic              debris/trash/junk/rubbish up5f]:!  
decline  Steel production has been on the decline inthese countries.  K<>kT4  
Diminish  decrease fall  drop  dip sink  reduce S{=5n R9j  
j, 0`k  
deep   They dived deep into the ocean. o"VKAP  
Shewas deeply interested in classical music. meX2Y;  
W==~ 9  
degree  She has also affected but to a lesser degree.Extent o[ 5dR<  
deemThey deemed him innocent but failed to understand why he was lying. *vb"mB  
Think/believe/consider/judge/assume/suppose/regard/ponder/contemplate/study/reflect/thinkover ?N Mk|+  
Agood mastery of English demands patience and enthusiasm. )3h\QE!z  
Demand/require/callfor 37hdZt.,  
deny  They denied her the opportunity to see herfather. JK/{Ik F  
refuse    decline   rejects  turn down  QH'*MY  
die  She died of an illness; and he died a beggar. x UdF.c  
Thestorms are dying down. xM jn=\}  
Thenoise of the car died away in the distance. Qq,2V  
Themembers of the family had all died off. <h#*wy:o2  
Thisspecies has died out. noWF0+ %  
KF rsXf  
Canyou describe what he looks like? DDrR9}k  
Describe/portray/illustrate/picture/characterize/represent/define/tell B;9,Qbb  
;.}L# '0j  
Theywere determined that he make a big fortune in his forties. rq%]CsRY5  
Convinced/firm/sure/certain/resolute/serious -@>{q/  
Shewas in his eyes a devoted mother. !ku}vTe  
Devoted/earnest/hearty/sincere/serious/zealous NW\CEJV  
Thesewers discharge (their contents) into the sea. Rta}*  
Discharge/discard/ cast way / do away with / dispose of / abandon / forsake / desert / giveaway/ a{8a[z  
throwaway/cast off/get rid of dseI~}  
display  We were amazed by the rich variety ofcommodities on display. BE?]P?r?  
Herwritings display natural talents.  + <bj}"  
Exhibit  show  indicate  specify illustrate  demonstrate  expose present @ m`C%7<  
  Z ]A |"6<  
distinct  Mice are distinct form rats. RC_Pj)  
Different/unlike/varied/opposite/contrary/reverse/dissimilar MzvhE0ab  
Longsentences are distinctive of Henry James’s later style. I!/32* s1t  
Characteristic  explicit definite  candid   unmistakable expressive   direct PD&e6;rj;  
/H'- }C  
Thelight is so dim that I cannot distinguish one object from another. k{*EoV[.$  
distinguish  tell separate  divide  lelmX  
Heis one of the most distinguished scholars in this field. dk&F?B{6T  
Distinguished/outstanding/famous/well-known/noted/popular/celebrated/honored/recognized r5j$FwY  
/prominent/important/superior alJ0gc2?  
@<W` w  
Inthe dark I could only discern the outline of the building. m>uG{4<-  
Discern/see/makeout/observe/perceive/recognize/know/understand/detect/spot/spy/behold *;Kp"j  
diverse  There are people from diverse culturesat the party.  different  various comprehensive 0AM_D >fH  
Herefused to disclose his name and address. o)I)I/v  
Disclose/uncover/reveal/show/expose/betray )G48,. "  
Theydrew up the contract and presented it to the management. Luao?;|U  
Thetrain drew in/into the station.  pull {\>4)TA  
draw  pull drag  push  heave lift  haul  C^q|(G)  
draw  crawl creep  linger on  drag near  be oncoming/ongoing e;6:U85LS  
Shedrove her car into the forest. }+j B5z'w  
Drive/steer/direct/conduct/handle/manage/run/work/operate/ride SGKAx<U  
21!X[) r  
Don’tdiscourage her; she is doing her best. Vs encourage f`4=Bl&"{  
Discourage/prevent/hinder/disapprove/keepfrom/try to stop 0YoKSo  
Theshoes are expensive but durable. 4j3q69TZR  
Durable/long-lasting/enduring/permanent/endless/solid/strong +  }"+  
Itis your duty to go. .]>Tj^1  
Duty/work/job/chore/assignment/charge/function/obligation/responsibility/office/role hT^&*}G  
Business/job/vocation/occupation/task/assignment/position/labor/industry/employment/effort GkOk.9Y,5  
Heis living an easy life now.   comfortable )Q1aA S3  
Itis an economy to buy good shoes: they cost more, but they last much longer thancheap ones. KaEaJ  
economic/economical/economy <?A4/18K  
Hewent to a very good elementary school. _HM?p(H@  
Elementary/fundamental/basic/primary/essential/simple/beginning/introductory/initial/primitive Kjbk zc1  
Since1975 the forty hour work week has been in effect. OK4r)  
Theacid has no effect on the metal. 8`S1E0s  
Thenew regulation does not go into effect until the first of March. ;tQc{8O6L  
Asentence of ten years' imprisonment on a person of eighty is in effect a life sentence. bR3Crz(9G  
Heis not likely to give effect to his threat. ] 6(%tU  
effect  force power  practice  \asn^V@"zz  
Sheencouraged him to take this examination. 6}Y==GP t  
Encourage/support/backup/urge/promote/sponsor/cheer/inspire 2RZa}  
V|A)f@ Fs  
end Some plays are so successful that theyrun for years on end. C'@I!m._i  
Imust warn you that my patience is almost at an end. pcv\|)&}  
I'vewarned you no end of times not to touch that machine. <IIz-6*V  
Ihope that everything will turn out all right in the end. 2aTq?ZR|8A  
Hehad approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain, and now he wasat his wit's end. =zH)R0!eG  
Weended the diner up with fruit and coffee. ku/vV+&O  
Whenthe reception came to an end, they were reluctant to leave the hall. # Ey_.4S  
Theargument between the two men ended in a fight. &@xm< A\S  
Thegovernment is determined to put an end to terrorism. Q|[^dju  
He'sentitled to a pension, but he won't dream of retiring yet. "KF ]s.  
entitle qualify authorize   enable   sanction empower '=G6$O2  
Thesoldiers were equipped with the latest weapons. P#3J@aRC  
equip  provide TP| ogF?  
W $mw9  
Theyhave the exclusive right to do the advertisements for this company.  inclusive EPwU{*F  
Mywife has been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job. >KQ/ c  
exert  practice exercise  impose  avail HoX={^aG%  
6Ik v}q_j  
Heis one of the greatest contemporary writers. P_H2[d&/>D  
Existing  living contemporary  lately—later---late---latter  current recent   @/N]_2@8;  
  >B``+ Z^2  
He must face up to the fact that he is nolonger young.  live   face  come UdcV<#  
Devotionis essential for work. 9]T61Z{OW1  
Necessary/vital/fundamental/required/crucial/critical/important/fatal/indispensable nm_taER  
Compulsory/obligatory/imperative/urgent jT]R"U/Q  
mQt0?c _  
Nothingis everlasting. PYNY1 |3  
Forever/endless/perpetual/eternal/permanent/constant/infinite/continual/forgood M%$ITE  
Thebird extended its wings in flight. .i )n1  
Stretch/lengthen/increase/expand/broaden/spread/enlarge/magnify E:B<_  
F_ -Xx"  
Hernose is a very attractive feature. oV9{{  
Feature/looks/appearance/characteristic/trait/mark ew,okRCN  
Areyou in favor of women taking part in politics? u^i3@JuX  
Inthe favor OaT] 2o  
Theinternational situation is favorable to us. Advantageous -glGOTk  
Y~* aA&D  
Panic swept through the swimmers asthey caught sight of a huge shark approaching menacingly. hhWy-fP#  
TensionExcitement  Fear Nervousness  fuss ado  chaos  confusion turmoil  riot }G^'y8U  
AfterTom passed his driving test he filled in/out an application for his driving license. C%ZPWOc_8  
Thechildren hid in the house and ate their fill. 8N |K   
The price of vegetables fluctuates accordingto the weather. 6#qt%t%?D  
wavers   vibrates    swings  fluctuates  hesitates   quakes  trembles shudders b5.]}>]t  
There are fine distinctions between thetwo. q<^MC/]  
fine/minute/delicate/detailed/small/tiny/slight/insignificant >o3R~ [  
Michael found it difficult to get hisBritish jokes across to American audience. Vo.~1^  
Understand  comprehend   catch on   get   WCk. K  
Hegave a gift for my birthday. Nq6; z) $  
Give/present/offer/bestow/donate/grant/contribute/award/provide/supply/deliver/dealout z6,E} Y  
/handout/turn in k=d0%} `M(  
Hehad a good house, a good wife and a good job. eJ ^I+?h  
Good/desirable/right/appropriate/suitable/becoming/satisfying/decent s +qodb+  
 n0EW U,1  
Theygrouped together in fours. fz8 41 <Y  
Arrange/assemble/organize/classify/sort/collect/grade/rank/value/evaluate/catorgerize/estimate nz#eJ  
Whenhe was young, he always _______ around and did not care about what washappening around him.  Hang  loaf loiter  5:5d=7WX  
2 J3/Eu  
hit  She hit on a good title for her new novel.  Come across ~J5B?@2hK  
Hernew film is quite a hit. success CvEIcm=t  
Therent increase will hit the pockets of the poor. Affect .wlKl[lE2  
hold She held back, not knowing how to breakthe terrible news. %~>-nqS  
Ithink he is holding something back; he knows more that he admits. suFk<^3  
Shealways holds to her convictions. k{hNv|:,  
Theforthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reduction. \[)SK`cwd  
Roadworks on the highway are holding up traffic. M"qS#*{  
There was something wrong with the trafficsignal. Our bus was ______ for nearly half an hour. ?4aW^l6/  
A. held on      B. held back      C. held out     D. held up F0r2=f(?  
identical  This copy is identical with/to the ones youbought last week.  the same as F?cw IE\J  
Ifonly I were rich!  :)T*:51{#  
Onlyif I am rich, I can do what I want. A;&YPHB  
t y4R2LnC  
Immoralvs amoral @de0)AJG6  
Hedeserted his family and was called an immoral person by his neighbors. &N+`O)$  
B%k C>J  
Itwas he that initiated this project. WU@ _aw[  
Initiate/launch/start/begin/pioneer/found/lead/head/breakthe ice WiQVZ {  
* {~`Lw)y  
Incentive  The fun of playing the game was a greaterincentive than the prize. q"DHMZB  
(excitement   initiative  motive   entertainment) >msQ@Ch  
Weare in for trouble. rl$"~/ oz  
Heknow the ins and outs of the problem. =VT\$ 5A  
Privatizationis thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition. #Ak|p#7 ^  
~Eb: AC5  
Agood teacher should be impartial to his students. Dsc0 ;7~6  
Impartial/impersonal/unbiased/neutral/disinterested/just/fairdetatched  unconcerned indifferent 9vwm RVN  
Thiscar is inferior to the one I bought last year. XZ3fWcw[  
inferior  superior senior  junior  similar prior Ht/#d6cQ  
^w"h A;  
Theauthor of the book has shown his remarkably keen insight into human nature. 0E,QOF{o  
intellect  insight  perception   understanding  comprehension wisdom  intuition TA:uB[Ji  
No doubt, a trade mark pertains to a firm’sintangible assets. XzqB=iX  
intangible invisible }A;YM1^$  
nHQ *#&$  
interfere/intervene  If you interfere in /with otherpeople's affairs, you will regret it. )PYh./_2  
Q-#<{' (  
Hetestified in court that he had seen the prisoner run out of the bank after ithad been robbed. 8O60pB;4  
testified   witnessed  justified  identified  notify specify p5w9X+G%  
keep  I can't understand you keeping a thing likethat to yourself. >&R@L KP  
Pleasekeep to the point --- we are running out of time. L+T7Ge q  
Ican’t keep up with all the changes in computer science. :RJo#ape  
Ifyou want to fulfill your dream, you have to keep ______it.  (to /    up  on) BA@M>j6d  
Keep/have/hold/maintain/preserve/conserve/save/tend/protect/guard/sustain/uphold/bear/posess rnp; R  
Theydid not only lack water, they also lacked in courage. )'e1@CR  
Want/bein need/ fall short 0R `>F">  
large  The dangerous wild animal is still at largein the quiet countryside. 0dS(g&ZR  
Byand large, the company has been good to me. X eY[ ;} 9  
Thisis law and you can’t change as you wish. ,{msJyacmR  
Rule/principle/stamdard/formula/act/decree/regulation/legislation/lawmaking/resolution/statute 8'b ZR]  
Shesaw a notice “ apartment to let”. @JLN3  
Let/rent/lease/charter/contract/agreement NV?XZ[<*<  
Sheis the one that laid out the town. ) R5j?6}xF  
Hewas laid off for his ill performance. tlg}"lY  
liablelikely probable    liable responsibleaccountable answerable n5BD0q  
Peoplewho walk on the grass are liable to a fine of 5 dollars. Y}s6__  
Sheliked the black dress and bought it although it was very expensive. ahCwA}  
Like/prefer/fancy/taketo/enjoy/care for/be fond of Uam % u  
uV@' 898%5  
The football match was televised live fromthe workers’ stadium. Rbr:Q]zGN  
alive  live   life    lively  living   lovely @2d9 7.X  
I am not sure of the exact location of the café. Z1+Ewq3m  
Location/position/place/area/zone/territory/district/section/neighborhood/spot/site/situation f?eq-/UR  
Recentresearch has shed/cast/thrown new light on the causes of the disease. YDYNAOThnb  
Themansion was splendid. 6-/W4L)?>  
Splendid/magnificent/grand/majestic/superb/exquisite/marvelous/wonderful 6@FhDj2X  
/glorious/imposing/impressive/brilliant/phenomenal/exceptional/remarkable/miraculous !Icznou\  
Ican’t make out what she wants. @W @,8e]c  
Theship made for the open sea. 4oryTckS  
Whatare we to make of his behavior? T \ - x3i  
Nothingcan make up for the loss of a life. vSoG] :1  
Hehas made it up with her. xw_$1 S  
45< gO1  
Afrequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.  oAB:H \  
Mentioned  quoted  referred to  yENAcsv  
mood  I am not in the ______ for joking.  sentiment  emotion mood  feeling  sentimentality sensation  sense sensitivity   gp $Rf9\  
nerve  My children are always getting on my nerves. gN[t  
Canyou really afford this amount? q{b-2k  
Amount/sum/quantity/number/portion M}CxCEdDB]  
A(large) number of problems have arisen. Z0y~%[1X  
Thenumber of books stolen from the library is large. ~EXCYUp4v  
Themarks were below average. P,WQN[(+  
Average/middle/medium/normal/ordinary/moderate/halfway/regular/usual \{~CO{II  
Themethod is ok; the problem is the procedure. 0_+ & [g}  
Method/way/approach/manner/means/fashion/style/procedure/process/course/plan/scheme/design/ Ki Kw,@  
Themutual benefit.  Mutual/reciprocal/common/joint Yjd/  
v.>K )%`#  
observe  You’ve got to ______ the laws of the land.   \awkt!Wa   
Abideby/follow/obey/comply with  9b,0_IMHH  
occur  Has it ever occurred to you that those twinsare quite different from each other in many ways? .q4$)8[Pg  
Wecan afford to overlook these minor offenses. AcXVfk z  
Overlook/neglect/forget/miss/ignore/skip/disregard/passover dw5"}-D  
z\8s |!  
own  Do you mean you have left her to do that on herown? m}oR*<.  
He’dlike a car of his own. LayK&RwL  
Nobodyowned up to the theft. Fo;:GX,b  
Thisis a painstaking effort.  Careful soQ[Zg4}  
Theywalked the path every morning. ~jHuJ` ]DF  
Path/route/line/road/track/trail/way/journey/excursion/voyage/trip :g|NE\z`)/  
peculiar  That way of speaking is peculiar to people inthis small part of the country. =>evkaj  
distinctive / typical/ characteristic/representative/ special/ particular / unique / notable/ particular    XK@&$~iA3  
The government gets a(n) ____ from taxes. Qo^(r$BD  
income   revenue   fund   payment wages  finance  budget expenditure  mD&I6F[s  
persist It should be obvious to you that if youpersist in bothering him, he will get angry with you. FPF$~ sX  
I shall be very _____ if you could do me afavor. /EP zT7  
pleasing   pleasant    grateful    thankful  pleased   gracious  generous M eep  
point  She was just on the point of going away whenBetty came in. t0@AfO.'1  
AsI was in a hurry I asked him to come to the point at once. Rf>)#hn%  
There'sno point in arguing further. :b %2qBv  
Hemade an excellent speech, and everything he said was to the point. 8Q)|8xpYS  
Itis very rude to point at people in the street. <Z.{q Zd  
If/whenit came to the point, would you sacrifice your job for your principles? gCiM\Qx  
popular populous populated  WG\ _eRj  
Agame that is very popular among/with these young swimmers is the underwater tricyclerace. `sso Wn4  
'xG J;pY  
Thechild showed great _______of mind by grabbing the falling baby. B &B:P  
courage  calmness presence  bravery  boldness will D& o\q68W  
preside  The chairman presided  at/over the meeting last Friday. A s }L=2  
Virtuewill prevail over evil. ISFNP&& K  
prevail triumph win  !u8IZpf  
Inprivate/ in secret / in person 6D2ot&5WW  
Matterslike this are best discussed in private. PlS)Zv 3  
Theyare privileged people in the society. O< /b]<[  
Privilege/right/ liberty/ freedom/advantage/license/ honor Tsb}\  
Shegave him a prompt reply.   fKr_u<|  
quick  rapid fast  prompt  punctual instant  immediate ready \mJR ^t  
h4 9q(085V  
The_______ of finding jobs this year are not so good. (expectation  promises future  prospects) $|J+  
provided  on condition   save unless  given  suppose  say  E#8|h(  
Iwill agree to go provided/providing that my expenses are paid. f"*4R kG  
C R?}*  
put  She’s put a tidy sum for her retirement. JU5,\3Lz#  
Theydecided to put aside their differences. tx9 %.)M:n  
Shehelp her put the toys away. L xIKH G  
Sheis putting radical proposals for the economic reform. 3gVU#T [[  
Wehad to put off our wedding until September. cQThpgha  
Wecan put you up for the night. U; <{P  
Idon’t know how she can put up with him/his cruelty to her. Vh?vD:|  
CL7 /J[TS  
Racialproblems exist in everyday life. M!!vr8}  
Race/breed/people/fold/tribe/nation/culture ,P`GIGvkA  
range  scope extent  His speech ranged over anumber of topics. Q#ksf h!D  
Range/limit/distance/length/scope/extent/reach/field/sphere 4]0:zS*O  
reach  All these were within the reach of theordinary men. 0Qvr g+  
Putthat bottle of weed-killer out of the reach of the children. !.O[@A\.-  
Hereached for his gun. Lk#)VGk:  
Her requirements are reasonable. 6 ]<yR> '  
Reasonable/sensible/fair/logical/just/sound/rational/practical/realistic/justifiable <[}zw !z  
My favorite recreation is chess. G"u4]!$/  
Recreation/amusement/entertainment/play/pleasure/enjoyment/relaxation/pastime/fun tS3&&t  
They had to seed refuge from the storm. *9=}f;~  
Refuge/shelter/asylum/protection AU%Yr 6  
I have registered for the English course. gYGoJH1  
Register/record/enroll/list/enter/sign/fillout a form tCR~z1  
receive accept <GQ=PrT|/  
I hear that John has _____ a new positionat the travel agency. =+DhLH}8  
red  black A large number of American radiostations operate in the red. Q7v1xBM  
regard  Motion means change of position of an object in/withregard to the position of some other object or objects. z+wegF  
Ihave little information as regards his past. A(`Mwh+  
Shesaid nothing regarding your request. -:45Q{u/  
Pleasegive my sincere regards to all the members of your family. :ntAU2)H  
Somepeople act regardless of what will happen afterwards. 46\!W(O~y  
Theyhelped solve the problems in high ______ to the living conditions of thepeople. a"g\f{v0AR  
(attention  regard intention  stress) R!X+-  
relevant  His age isn't relevant to whether he is agood teacher. Y@MxKKuj  
Reluctant  Today black children in South Africa are still reluctant tostudy subjects from which they were effectively barred for so long.  Unwilling 0/7.RpX,.  
remedy  The doctor soon found a remedy for the boy'sillness. |90/tNe  
Cure/heal/treat/mend/correct $1zWQJd[-  
xc`O \z_)  
respect  With respect to your requests, we regret thatwe are unable to assist you in this matter. $X\2h+ Os  
Respect/adore/appreciate/honor/admire/lookup to/fall for/be crazy about JHZjf7g$k  
? }`mQ<~  
Inthis respect the film is a failure. YG0b*QBY~  
respectful   respective  respectable  respected U-,s/VQ?  
Teamsof rescue have been sent out ____ to look for the missing members of the crew. #NL'r99D/o  
Hislimp is the result of an accident. f$dIPt(  
Result/consequence/end/effect/outcome/fruit/produce/conclusion s+&0Z3+  
risk  He saved my life at the risk of losing hisown. p-DHTX  
Hewas ready to run(take) the risk of being taken prisoner by the enemy. zq? xY`E  
Thefuture of the whole company is at risk. UFj!7gX]  
Risk/chance/gamble/endanger/expose Qr6PkHU  
N Mx:Jh-YN  
Theyrose up against foreign invaders. q68m*1?y  
Rebel  revolt  riot  d:_;  
I’vebeen on the run all day, and I am exhausted. H5UF r,t  
Iran across/into my old friend in Parislast week. a=9QwEZ  
Weare running out of time. gMPp'^g]_  
Heruled over his kingdom successfully for twenty years. +.|RH  
Rule/govern/control/dominate/head/lead/manage/direct/supervise/administer/order/instruct *_}0vd  
Guide/influence/handle/regulate $ye>;Ek  
Jm< uE]9  
scale Synthetic rubbers are now being producedon a large scale. DpT$19Q+  
scratch  He threw away everything he had written andstarted the novel again from scratch. ga S}>?qk  
H5 :f&m  
I’llhave to see about getting the roof mended. 0O*kC43E_  
Weall went to the airport to see her off. [/n@BK  
Hercolleagues see her as the future prime minister. Z`ww[Tbv~  
Willyou see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting? difX7)\  
Imust set about packing now. P$*N gt  
Herclear and elegant prose sets apart from most other journalists. Q[|*P ] w  
Let’sset aside my personal feelings. @_#\qGY  
Sheset out/forth at dawn. K1]3zLnS  
Heis set on going to university. dB0 UZirb  
settle   You should settle your affairs before youleave. Aq3\Q>klH)  
Whenare you going to marry and settle down. P*VZ$bUe5@  
Settle/decide/resolve/reconcile/mend -%^'x&e  
short  All along he has been striving not to fallshort of his parents' expectations. ;/JXn  
Thingscouldn’t be worse financially: in short, we are bankrupt. n5^57[(  
Becominga doctor requires years of training ----- there are really no short cuts. b`^Q ':^A  
Henever allowed his children to go short of anything necessary for theireducation. 9 Qa_3+.B  
Hisreal name was Thomas, but he was called Tom for short. 257$ !  
Thecountry is short in known deposits of coal and iron. w&Gc#-B  
Theinterviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence. EUQtl_h/H  
k6RVP: V  
spirit  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. MtN!Xx  
Iwent back and found them in high/low spirits. af9KtX+  
stock  The sugar is out of stock. mZPvG  
a }*i [  
Theysubjected the two suspects to a long and thorough interrogation. %d(= >  
Weare subject to the law of the land. .5}Gt>4XM  
Subject/topic/issue/question/problem/concern/test/plot/theme  P Je_qP  
sympathize  We sympathize with him in his sufferings to agreat extent. ;e/F( J  
sympathy  Quite a number of people are in sympathy withyou on that point. 6yMZ2%  
attraction     temptation 0.w7S6v|&  
As always, I had to fight the _____ to takewhat she willingly offered. ,uPcQ  
Tempt/invite/attract/appeal/lure/seduce voN~f>  
0< vJ*z|_  
thought  On second thoughts, I am inclined to agreewith you. OH sA]7S  
Electricitywas at one time thought of as a kind of fluid. ,$> l[G;Bm  
trace  Her fear of water can traced back to achildhood accident. J@6j^U  
trade  he traded in his car for a new model. #u8#< ,w  
He grew very angry when he realized how hehad been ____ out of his money. "`4ky ]  
trick  deceive   cheat  betray fool  gBc s  
what he said is true. F4= =a8  
True/real/actual/unmistaken/certain/valid/genuine/authentic/natural/legitimate 9 i/ (  
turn We came to an arrangement whereby thetwo of us took the young lady out by turns. ftR& 5 !Wm  
Hepicked up all the books in turn and examined them. tO:JB&vO2  
Ididn’t need my umbrella, as it/things turned out. HdB>CVuh  
Sheturned a deaf ear to our warnings. x;z=[eE  
Hewas someone to whom you can turn in difficult times. WGUw`sc\  
Wearranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but she failed to turn up. Zp~yemERr  
Hetried to join the army and was __________ because of poor health. mY4pvpZw8  
(turnedin  turned down  turned out  turned to)  #O\as~-  
Wt c ib-  
Idon’t think she is the artistic type. x "NQatdq  
Type/kind/class/sort/species/variety/brand/character _ s3d$C?B  
Whateverhe said is ultimate conclusion. |`#fX(=  
Ultimate/final/conclusive/decisive/eventual/last L#byYB;E{  
89(q U  
Becauseof the flood, the land yielded nothing that autumn. Fw\Z[ nh  
Yield/bear/produce/provide/supply /surrender/submit 4hwb] Yz  
Thiscompany of soldiers had ______ no women among them, so you could imagine whatthey joked about.  ( virtually   virtuously  virtual    actual) =N\; ?eF(  
Bythe way, have you heard that George is emigrating to Australia? K xX[8  
Inno way can teaching in school be separated from practice. 8e*skL  
Ina way his health is much improved, but he is still not really well. W?.469yy  
Wemust not give way to their demands. eb\SpdM6  
Youcan’t have everything your own way. =IsmPQKi  
Hehas done nothing out the way yet. .F 6US<]  
Thebridge ________ and the tank fell into the river.  ( gave way gave to  gave in  gave up) ]wU/yc)e  
We’ll all take a vacation in the mountainsas soon as I finish working on this project. xyk% \&"7  









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