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主题 : 医学考博写作常用词汇选编
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-10-12   
来源于 考博资料 分类


一、与医学相关的写作常用词汇分类 lg pW@g  
(一)医疗、医院、医生 ^*~;k|; &  
  1 、医生 c]B$i*t  
  ① doctor, medical worker h $N0 D !  
  ② physician 内科医生 >MJg ,  
  ③ surgeon 外科医生 M/Pme&%  
  ④ doctor in charge 主治医生 a?YCn!  
  ⑤ intern 实习医生 LI)!4(WH  
⑥ resident doctor 住院医生 kF7V.m/~o  
  2 、医院 CQ;]J=|<_  
  ① hospital  Xtq{%  
  The specialized hospital 专科医院 `pd&se'p  
  The general hospital 普通医院 q2:K 4  
  The community hospital 社区医院 fFjH "2WD  
  The public hospital 公立医院 lt$zA%`odc  
  The private hospital 私立医院 '&;yT[  
  ② clinc 门诊 ``ekR6[8c  
  Conventional clinic treatment普通门诊 oPc\<$  
  ③ ward 病房 qz4^{  
④ medical team 医疗队 #GaxZ  
3、 医疗手段 z'p:gv]  
(1)              drug therapy 药物治疗 ]\RRqLDzkg  
(2)              medical treatment 医疗 \n0Oez0z!B  
(3)              medical instruments 医疗器械 i~J;G#b  
(4)              diagnose (v) 诊断 (n) diagnosis UueD(T;p  
(5)              prevent (v) 预防 g/=K.  
(6)              sterilize (v) 消毒 | 2fIRlrA$  
(7)              administrate a drug 给药 e7u^mJ  
(8)              prevent and treat disease (v) 预防和治疗疾病 <*H^(0  
(9)              TCM 中医 Wl^R8w#Z$  
(10)          chemotherapy 化疗 ~{>?*Gd&T  
(11)          medical service 医疗服务 h  x6;YV  
(12)          complain of (v) 主述 zm9TvoC%}  
(13)          health checkup 健康普查 /W#O +  
(14)          diagnosing and treating 诊断和治疗 ;evCW$ G=  
(15)          consult the doctor(v) 咨询 ; wxLXh6|6%_  
  4 、医疗体制 M^rM-{?<  
  (1 )healthcare system 医疗体制 i54md$Q^  
  (2 )medical disputes 医疗纠纷 #y]3LC#)^G  
  (3 )medical accident 医疗事故 O\;=V`z-  
  (4 )the relationship between doctors and patients 医患关系 M ixwK,  
  (5 )medical insurance system 医疗保险体系 ZA#y)z8!E  
(6 )medical aid fund 医疗救助基金 %>Xr5<$:&  
  5 、医德 P 2n2 Qt2  
  (1 )medical ethics 医德 |c-LSs'\  
  (2 )patient-oriented 以病人为核心 cTZ)"^z!  
  (3 )humanistic 人道主义的 b`cYpcs  
  (4 )compassionate 富于同情性的 D_|B2gdZY  
  (5 )considerate 体贴周到的 FYPz 4K  
  (6 )resolute 果断的 7x.%hRk  
  (7 )service quality 服务质量 Pn TZ/|  
(8 )to give top priority to the lives and health of people B{, Bno  
  6 、病人 w`yx=i#  
  (1 )patient 67<CbQZoN3  
  (2 )the sick CKARg8o  
  (3 )the invalid !awh*Xj6  
  (4) sufferer #t71U a  
(二)疾病 *)VAaGUX>  
  1 、 患病的表达方式 >M ^&F6  
  ⑴ suffer from (v ) $"fo^?d/s  
  (2) contract (v ) #0MK(Ut/  
  (3) people with some disease 患病人群 l[n@/%2  
(4) the people susceptible to some disease 易感某种疾病的人 ZL91m`r  
gn5% F5W  
  2 、必知疾病名称 #MTj)P,  
  heart disease 心脏病 %<U{K;  
  hypertension 高血压 *m_93J  
  kidney problem 肾病 ]xq::a{Oy  
  stroke 中风 Jirct,k  
    shock 休克 GAU!_M5N  
  the blood pressure 血压 D3?N<9 g  
  diabetes 糖尿病 *C_[jk@6  
  obesity 肥胖 &telCg:  
  terminal illness 绝症 )1_(>|@oi  
  incurable illness 不治之症 %_tk7x  
  cancer 癌症 }'`xu9<  
  tumor 肿瘤 e{t=>vry  
  cancer of early stage 癌症晚期 P0#`anUr1  
  emergency case 急症 =x4a~=HX  
  serious illness 重症 =h\E<dw  
  the difficult and complicated cases 疑难病 S8*>kM '  
  short breath 短气 Yq0# #__  
  syndrome 综合症 F!R2_89iy  
  complications 并发症 DyX0 xx^  
  process 病程 Qu}N:P9l?X  
  bone loss 骨质疏松 H XP;0B%4  
short-sighted (adj)近视 6 6dTs,C  
  3、传染病 L<E/,IdE  
  (1) 感染源 sS'{QIRC'  
  virus 病毒 bacteria 细菌 pest 害虫 channel and media 传染途径及媒介 pE(sV{PD  
  (2 )传染疾病 kd`YSkZ  
  some disease epidemic 传染性疾病 plague 鼠疫 &NP6%}bR`  
  influenza (简)flu 流感 t[j9R#02?  
  infection contagion 传染病 Bn_g-WrT  
  infectious diseases 传染病 [k ~C+FI  
  AIDS 艾滋病 W+/2c4$F3  
  SARS r"[L0Cbb  
  (3) 传染 UhBz<>i;!  
  epidemic (a) 流行的,传染的 Hi7G/ 2t@`  
  block the channel (v) `=v@i9cTZ  
  disseminate 传播 ?M]u$Te/.  
cross infection 交叉感染 Uk|9@Auav  
  5 、疾病、病痛 e~*S4dKR  
  illness Pd,!&  
  sickness ?9qAe  
  disease r=|vad$  
  ailment " |\94  
suffering >LCjtm\  
  6 、疾病的转归 s7AI:Zv  
  (1 )疾病的恢复 w[|y0jtw  
  recover recovery |B,dEx/uU  
  recuperate ruWye1X;  
  resume KM EXT$p  
  recruit lej^gxj/2  
  reinstate Mru~<:9  
  (2) 疾病的恶化 hg!x_Eq|  
  deteriorate $F<%Jl7_Z  
  aggravate <'V A=orD  
  exasperate 0;'j!`l9  
  make worse '\4c "Ho  
  worsen +~@7" |d  
    7、其他相关词汇 7Z9.z 4\  
  outbreak and spending rUGZjLIGqz  
  break out (v) 疾病的爆发 T %$2k>  
  spread (v) 疾病的扩散 lrq>TJEcx  
  the incidence of common diseases 常见病发生率 /abmjV0  
  taboo 禁忌 ?]759,Q3L  
  speed up blood circulation (v) j'#)~>b  
  improve the cardiac functions (v) eUi> Mp  
  side effects 副反应 p|xs|O6{  
complain of 主述 tvG g@Xs\  
(三)药物 9(i0" hS^  
  1 、药物名称 5)h+(u C3  
  medicine ~NTDG  
  drug 7[(Lrx.pM  
  remedy Krt$=:m|1  
  medicinal herbs DKe6?PG  
  power UwvGr h  
  tablet u?LW+o  
pill BT y]!%r'  
  2 、药物用法 Uqb]e?@  
  开药 : P2A ]qX  
  prescribe some medicine for some diseases O6*'gnke  
  write out a proscription W)G2Cs?p  
  服药 [a#?}((  
  take a medicine 7C,<iY  
  治…的疾病 7UeE(=Hr5  
a remedy for some diseases A52LH ,  
3 、其他相关词汇 r_qncy,F  
  drug therapy 药物治疗 SXT@& @E  
  side effects 副反应 %RfY`n  
  drug abuse 药物滥用 (6b?ir~  
  drugstore 药房 I{*.htt{  
  over the counter 非处方药 @'k,\$/  
  drug allergy 药物过敏 wI1M0@}PV  
  drug poisoning 药物中毒 y{&{=1#  
  prescription 处方 )sqp7["-  
  expenses for medicine 药费 u`L!za7fi  
  charges for medicine X-*KQ+ ?  
drug rebate 药品回扣 2ZTyo7P  
(四)心理疾病 !"o1ve`{  
  1 、心理学专业词汇 _^ CQ*+F  
  subhealth 亚健康 nkr,  
  psychological benefits 心理健康 0s+rd&  
  psychological problem 心理问题 |2+F I<v4  
  psychological consultation 心理咨询 jiw`i  
  psychological obstacles 心理障碍 {$u@6& B  
  mental obstacles 心理障碍 m\}\RnZu  
  psychological massage 心理按摩 XSHwE)m  
  psychology 心理学/ 心理 };VGH/}&s  
  psychotherapy 心理治疗 JJbM)B@-  
psychological expert 心理专家 2\iD;Z#gM  
7Da^Jv k  
  2 、情绪词汇 u}@% 70A  
  overcome }ii]c Y  
  disappoint u[6` Jr~  
  disappointed ;03*qOYc  
  shy , W&~iO   
  flush a s< q  
  frustration ?XTg%U  
  failure 3Oig/KZ  
  willpower vI:bl~  
  optimism MCWG*~f  
  optimistic K&"Pm9  
  be sensitive to v,x%^gv0  
  nervous M@ LaD 5  
  tensional zf!\wY"`  
  sad agony pessimism pessimistic 7gR;   
  confident confidence o._#=7|(  
  stress pressure &0<R:K?>N  
  depress depressed X m:gD6;9  
  depression depressive }RP9%n^  
3 、疲劳相关词汇 Z@aL"@2]a  
  fatigue tire (v) weariness (n) tired(a) exhausted(a) fatigued (a) weary %H 6ZfEO  
   KlX |PQ  
(五)肥胖与营养 t%YX-@  
  1 、营养物质 o!_; H}pq  
  nutrient 营养素 (9[C0eS  
  protein 蛋白质 Er+3S@sfq,  
  fat 脂肪 4;~lpty  
  glucose 葡萄糖 dgqJ=+z 0y  
  vitamin 维生素 `R=_t]ie  
  sugar 糖类 >zx50e)  
  heat calories quantity of heat 热量 )+{omQ7v  
  carbohydrate 碳水化合物 2D_Vo ])l/  
  soft drink beverage 软饮料 cS;=_%~  
cholesterol胆固醇 AiHDoV+-  
  2 、营养与饮食 qx  CL  
  a well-balanced diet cW|Zgz8vv  
  nutrition 营养 d~bH!P  
  nutritional 营养的 (a4y1k t-  
]( 6vG$\  
二、医学写作其他常用词汇 g:6}zHK  
1.       下降、减少 reduction,decrease,decline,diminution, drop,descend,go / come down,fall ( =/L#Yg_  
2.       上升、增加rise; go up; ascend;increase ia.B@u1/  
3.       禽流感 H1N1 flu /  bird flu / avian flu; ;%.k}R%O@  
4.       食品安全 food safety EjCzou  
5.       公共卫生突发事件public health emergencies d1_*!LW$  
6.       应急反应 immediate response to XlcDF|?{.  
7.       .关注民生 concern(focus on, pay attention to) people’s livelihood/well-being &>6IU IG@&l0ARL  
8.       城乡卫生体系urban-rural medical and health system f6A['<%o  
9.       预防保健disease prevention and health care 1UWgOCc  
10.   服务体系service system A ~=]@], {  
11.   讲究卫生pay attention to hygiene 'Bn_'w~j{  
12.   个人和环境卫生personal and environmental hygiene 9i. eeR@p$4i  
13.   清淡的lite v8(u9V%?6  
14.   蛋白添加饮食protein-complemented diet @MH]s [{o\  
15.   预防的措施preventive initiatives=preventive measures ^AN ' "p*FN  
16.   人畜共患病zoonosis=anthropozoonosis.人兽共患病 p%tg->#L  
17.   虫媒insect pollination; KvOI)"0(  
18.   虫媒传染病insect-borne /arthropod-borne infectious disease &=O1Qg=K  
19.   肾病综合征nephritic/renal syndrome; }n8;A;axi  
20.   爆发流行break out, explode; an epidemic outbreak of explosion ON! G{=7  
21.   传染(及相关词):infect/infection/infectious, communicate/communicable, contagion/ contagious, transmission/transmittable;!" A{T@O5ucj  
22.   传播途径route of transmission, bird flu transmits by air/wind;person to person transmission l D=j/    
23.   传播,散布:diffuse,prevalence,spread,transmit,disseminate,propagate/ propagation{D vy y\^nL  
24.   污染pollution/ pollute,contamination/contaminate P&,cCR>  
25.   福祉 well-being, happiness m)w- mc  
26.   衰老grow old;aging;senility;senile s f=Y9a$.:M  
27.   每况愈下from bad to worse \`# 0,pLr  
28.   相似的akin to=similar to dR{ V,H7N  
29.   脓的,化脓的purulent – hvZR4|k>  
30.   脂肪肝fatty liver |.W;vc<  
31.   血压 hypertension glIIJ5d|,  
32.   肠癌Cancer of Rectum and Colon 8Y'"=!3  
33.   亚健康 sub-health 8 > PA,72e   
34.   过劳死death from overwork [ Lxrn#Z eM  
35.   长期以来 for a long time ; over the years 0 2 ZXF_ o  
36.   养生preserve one's health; nourishing of life; keep in good health W4Q]<<6&  
37.   分类 be divided into=fall into three categories=be grouped according to their origin, into three classes.=be categorized according to/be roughly classified into three kinds =_3qUcOP  
38.   基本职责=basic/ fundamental/essential/elementary duties/responsibilities/obligations &$im^0`r_  
39.   基本原则fundamental principle/ rule, basic rule or principle 8"^TWzg}L  
40.   道德morals, morality, ethics均含“道德”之意。morals多用于实践方面,指按习惯或社会公认的道德标准,尤指男女之间关系的道德。morality指符合道德标准的行为,或用道德标准衡量某事,既指社会的又指个人的道德。ethics多用于伦理方面,指符合于伦理学中所指的好的行为,常指公平正真地对人对事的品德。 *&MkkI#  
41.   民众the (general) public,the masses of the people,the common people sR nMBW.  
42.   合作者co-worker; collaborator; copartner; co-agent 5(Oc"0''H  
43.   死亡人数death toll,deaths,the number of people killed in/dying from JFdzA  
44.   .归结为 boil down to;come down to h]9^bX__Z  
45.   归因为/归功于 be attributable to,be attributed to,ascribe or attribute… to, owe…to k JFHUR  
46.   归咎于lay or put the blame on sb,blame…on,ascribe or attribute… to,impute… to 4N: ;Mo&B  
47.   大规模on a large scale,extensive,large-scale,massive Ry3 f'gx  
48.   大规模流行 large-scale transmission,become a pandemic,massive attack/outbreak EV$n>.  
49.   表面上on the surface, apparently, ostensibly, superficial, seemingly NE"fyX`  
50.   因果关系 cause-and-effect relationship, causal relationship/relations px@\b]/  
51.   孤立现象an isolated phenomenon 1A`";E&  
52.   复杂的complicated,complex,sophisticated,intricate LcF3P 4  
53.   极端复杂性extreme/ exceeding complexity/complicacy DcHMiiVM  
54.   低保basic living allowances/subsistence allowances miqCUbcU  
55.   养老保险 endowment insurance ?Pc 3*.  
56.   退休养老金retirement n BZ9iy~  
57.   医疗改革health care reform 9f`Pi:*+/  
58.   激烈运动strenuous exercise;vigorous activity [%kucGC7  
59.   月经期menstrual period S [*t E HW  
60.   生活的节奏the tempo/the pace of life; a life of quick /fast pace ;"z>p25=T  
61.   婴幼儿保健the infant health care Ea?.H Rxl  
62.   安乐死euthanasia L4b4 X  
63.   得绝症的terminally ill P+h&tXZn8  
64.   临终关怀=hospice care=end-of-life care ! G]CY3xw98  
65.   濒临死亡的病人:dying patients,terminally ill patients,incurable patient K-3 _4As  
吸二手烟secondhand smoking ,also called “involuntary smoking” or “passive smoking”. IIkJ"Qg.  









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