措词是翻译和作文水平的直观体现。如果你的作文总是停留在使用 very、good、many、I think 等小学生词汇,怎么可能拿高分呢?用高级同义词换掉这些低级词汇,让你的作文一秒钟高大上。 o@YEd d .[Ny(X/]/} fLV@~T| 01 rEs!gG
NN 用
population, individuals 替换 people, persons
|xpOU*k FQcm= d_s Q|f)Awe$ 02 uFaT~ 4 用
positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换 good
" Nl{
on"il 03 _;-b ZH 用
dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的) 替换 bad。如果bad做表语,可以用
be less impressive 替换
&CfzhIi*! ##U/Wa3 !KHbsOT?9 04 8vUq8[[ 用
approach / method 替换 way
w#{WR hxGo~<. : YV6w}b: 05 C(}Kfi@6N 用
promote / strengthen 替换 improve (提高,加强)
dz?Ey~;M bbWW|PtWwP 1["IT.,f. 06 "mcuF]7F 用
harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that 替换 think
['I5(M@ Chtls;Ph[ K Z0%J5 07 6!RKZj)
alleviate 替换 relieve (缓解)
_Tf0L<A'R vFK(Dx
Gdlx0i alleviate pain 缓解疼痛;止痛。 例如:
+VHoYEW Fw6x
(j" ]$A6krfh| One of the long-standing mysteries surrounding acupuncture is why the technique only seems to
alleviate pain if needles are inserted at specific points.
{-s7_\|p( 长期以来关于针灸的一个未解之谜是:为什么只有在特定的点插针才能减轻疼痛。
#:nds, ( z.\,M SY+$8^ 08 L%4Do*V& 用
nevertheless 替换 however(然而,不过)
)7iYx {n fMZc_dsW9 ~)!vhdBe 09 Fx@@.O6 用
reap benefits 替换 get / have benefits。例如:
3d>xg%? M"z3F!
-j Su[f"2oR You'll soon begin to
reap the benefits of being fitter.
.KE2sodq 你很快就会体会到身体更健康带来的好处。
k0-,qM#p;X H,U qU3b3 [214b= 10 yyuf 用
for my part, from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion
\ dZD2e4 !8OUH6{2 9rQw~B<S 11 "pkn 用
increasing(ly), growing 替换 more and more
$rrfg jxA*Gg3cT5 G:?l;+P1 注意:increasing / growing是形容词,用于修饰名词;increasingly是副词,修饰形容词和动词。注意没有growingly这种形式。例如:
uHpSE?y/ jRo4+8 j?9fb \J3n[6; s4Y7x.- - Sth has gained growing popularity. ,#QLc
- Sth. is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. BX6]
9mfP9 Xu#K<#V X| X~|&j 12 U4$CkTe2Y 用
relevant 替换 related (有关的,相关的)
!)TO2?,^ 大家可以记一个句式:
sth. is highly relevant to… 例如:
G5nF m;"dLUb .jjvS Nursing work is a commitment to human health service. Nurses' job satisfaction
is highly relevant to the health care service quality, work efficiency, turnover and patients' satisfaction with nursing care.
?.b.mkJ 护理工作是致力于人类健康的服务性工作。护士对工作的满意程度与医疗服务质量、工作效率、护士离职率及病人满意度高度相关。
\LZVazXD SRf.8j ![#>{Q4i 13 I4"U/iL51 用
rewarding 替换 helpful 和 beneficial。例如:
p6e9mSs M]$_>&" Mee+bp Life for the successful doctor can be emotionally and financially
^%r>f@h!L 对于事业有成的医生来说,生活在精神和物质两方面都能令人满足。
' Zmslijf IHlTp0? nofK(0TF 14 )w3HC($g 用
fundamental / significant 替换 important
zL,B? SYsbe 5j QL4BD93v 15 RRH[$jk 用
exceedingly, extremely, intensely 替换 very
t*'U|K4L/ 3\jcq@N R|h(SXa 16 9s}y*Vp 用
adopt 替换 use(采用,采取)
Y]R;>E5o| :>'4@{' j >wT-s 17 oTqv$IzqP 用
sth. appeals to sb., sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on sb. 替换 sb. take interest in / sb. be interested in
v!EE[[ _;1H2o2f JM-rz#;1 18 ^5yFb=2 用
capture / attract one’s attention 替换 draw one’s attention.
j 09psqXU@I \-?@
&' : 19 1hQeuG 用
facet, dimension 替换 aspect (方面)。例如:
/?,c4K,ap %w YGI gADEjr*H The information revolution will touch every
facet of healthcare industry.
`1eGsd,f 人工智能将涉及医疗健康行业的方方面面。
U%~L){<V[ k}yUD 0
Y `T]1u4^E 20 rz
@;Zn 用
distinguished / prestigious 替换 famous
0rtP :Nj$ lQolE P.pc itmdY!;< smM*HDK D
/$$"AT 21 ]ctlK'. 用
give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger(该词为五星用法) 替换掉 cause(导致)。例如:
n2JwZ? 0m|$ vb $1h , <$5H It is hoped the procedure will
trigger an immune response that will wipe out HIV-infected cells while leaving non-infected cells unharmed.
Q@in?}; 希望这一治疗会激发免疫反应,清除感染了艾滋病病毒的细胞,同时又不损伤未感染细胞。
V*m@Rs!)2 WzC_M>_ BmRk|b trigger 还可以做名词,表示“原因;诱因”。例如:
g)<t=+a Stress may act as a
trigger for these illnesses.
0t-!6 压力可能会成为引发这些疾病的原因。
1HF=,K+ Ighd,G- gsqpQq7 22 SYPG.O?
I 用
cultivate 替代 develop。例如:
6PXPc JY+ N+c\ uIG,2u, Cultivating a positive mental attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits.
bN6FhKg| 培养一种自信的积极心态会让人受益匪浅。
SrZ#mg ;$Eg4uX V Q6&7@
c 23 y^o*wz:D* 用
the aged / senior citizens 替换 old people(老人)
]*8K4n G 9Ytf7NpR 6]=R#d 7U 24 q1Ja*=r 用
adolescents 替换 the young(青少年)
&*wN@e(c JsfX&dX0 *(%]|z}]m 25 LRqBP|bjCD 用
devote … to sth. 替换 spend …in sth. 例如:
wzr3y}fCe JmJ8s hq V^a]@GK: This refers to all the attention young people spend in their phones, tablets and laptops.
}1A Brbc X~DI
d →
This refers to all the attention young people devote to their phones, tablets and laptops. :27GqY,3sK '!)|;qe 这反映了年轻人对手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑所投入的关注。
$ \/3Xb ^-,
aB 26 1}A1P&2> 用
diverse 替代 different。例如:
b1! 0XCtw6 Zrtyai{8l People hold
diverse attitudes toward these new regulations.
<r_L- 人们对于这些新规定抱有不同的态度。
r4 t(-`==.R 8+ P)V4} 27 5&WYL 用
in the course of 替换 during。例如:
caS 39jnoT The lesions usually appear early
in the course of HIV infection.
}%K)R5C 这种病变通常出现在HIV病毒感染过程中。
0{0|M8 qJ).;S{AAt T%
28 '+6H= Qn 用
universal 来替换 common。例如:
_^+z2m+~N \ W3\P= U$;FOl Such problems are a
universal feature of senior citizens.
s8,N9o[.~P 这类问题是老年人的通病。
Algk4zfK2, 02U5N(s 7,.Hj&'B 29
Jx#r attend to 替换 look after / take care of
RcQo1 iGG; RP}.
Ei 30 A^/$ |@ occasionally / once in while 替换 sometimes
@ H5@N<v5u 7M~w05tPh 31 ,L iX as a matter of fact 替换 in fact
?.&]4z([ e0i&?m i
#5rk(^t 32 Ne^md demonstrate 替换 show(说明,表明)
u`Ew^-"> EeW %5/; PCxv_Svf Q+d9D1b 33 m"MTw@}SJ; massive 替换 big
Dps0$fc giU6f!% l56D?E8 X@$x(Zc 34 /UGH7srx ruin / devastate 替换 destroy。例如:
8$SA"c) OidF{I*O JFw<Po,MEa The mentioned side effects of these treatments can
devastate a patient physically and emotionally.
zY@|KV"^r 上述治疗的副作用能够对患者的生理及心理造成严重的影响。
F\1{b N|3 tOn_S@/r L_Q1:nL-0 35 9p
;)s hazardous 替换 harmful / dangerous
V\nQHzjF<6 hazardous air pollutant 有害的空气污染物
@/6cEiC+r\ pgg4<j_mn 5f&+(Wqw 36 s_} 1J,Y currently 替换 nowadays
~`Q8)(y<#$ /6_>d$ i*`; /x'+ 37 ;IX3w:Aw unique 替换 only
g%1FTl KD]8n]c Jq1 Zb 38 f]F]wg\_f emerge 替换 appear / occur (出现),而且emerge 更强调(从困境或不好的经历中)摆脱出来,熬出来。例如:
]<D9Q> *Q bPz4," v%t "N There is growing evidence that the economy is at last
emerging from recession.
so h3d 有越来越多的证据表明
p;av63i ;hsgi|Cy- |1`|E-S= 39 ]wLHe2bEu cautious 替换 careful
B42.;4"T !( xeDX l_JPkM(mJw 40 2[i:bksjW capability 替换 ability
XBv:$F.>$ o$I% 1 09y%FzV