Purpose: To quantify the prevalence of cataract, the outcomes $o @?D^
of cataract surgery and the factors related to rb_G0/R
unoperated cataract in Australia. T5Fah#-4
Methods: Participants were recruited from the Visual m:41zoV
Impairment Project: a cluster, stratified sample of more than HIU@m<
5000 Victorians aged 40 years and over. At examination k
sites interviews, clinical examinations and lens photography 14&EdTG.
were performed. Cataract was defined in participants who ?SAi tQ3
had: had previous cataract surgery, cortical cataract greater ]S[r$<r$
than 4/16, nuclear greater than Wilmer standard 2, or }F.1j!71L
posterior subcapsular greater than 1 mm2. >r*Zm2($MR
Results: The participant group comprised 3271 Melbourne u<8Q[_E&
residents, 403 Melbourne nursing home residents and 1473 bk?\=4B:E
rural residents.The weighted rate of any cataract in Victoria <