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主题 : 语法重点总结
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-11-17   


独立主格虚拟语气非谓语动词主谓一致倒装独立主格特征1. 充当句子的状语。2. 有自己的主语,同句子的主语不一致。3. 名词(代词,形容词,副词,介词)+ 分词4.  With + 名词 (代词) + 分词 (形容词)例:a) It being raining, I decided to stay at home.        b) Speech having been delivered, discussion started.        c) he entered the room, with his hands open holding a rifle). 真题剖析(1995) 45 cliffs no longer crumbling, the beaches are   46   of the material which would  47  feed them.   45. A. For  B. As     C. With D. Because 虚拟语气(1虚拟语气(21. should+动词原形It +be动词+形容词(-able)(essential, odd, vital, absurd, regrettable, desirable…)+that从句It +be动词+名词(pity,shame…)+that从句It +be动词+过去分词(ordered, begged, voted, moved…)+that从句部分名词/动词(表示建议,劝告,决定等) +that从句2. It’s (high, about) time that +动词过去式       would rather +动词过去式 真题剖析 (1997) … I wouldn’t be truthful if I  47  say that teaching is hard work . …   47. A. do   B. did   C. don’t   D. didn’t(1993)…The Cairo newspapers the next day carried banner headlines about the student demonstration  52 , and they    53  that the professor be sent home.   53. A. ordered        B. pleaded        C. decided        D. demanded   非谓语动词动名词、分词、不定式。主动或被动。(doing/done, to do /to be done)发生在谓语动词之前还是之后。(doing/ having done /having been done, to do/to have done /to have been)To在什么情况下作介词,什么情况下作不定式引导词。  真题剖析 (2000) … In the inner cities of America, newspapers regularly report on newborn babies  60  into garbage bins by drug-addicted mothers. 60. A. dropped  B. to drop  C. dropping  D.drops主谓一致 (1)1. 整体及抽象概念作主语,谓语通常用单数形式。   How you got there doesn’t concern me.   Growing vegetables needs constant watering.2.  表示时间、距离、重量、容量、价值等概念作主语,谓语多用单数。   Eight hundred dollars is enough to live on.   3. -s结尾的专有名词(linguistics, economics, measles, diabetes等),谓语通常用单数形式。4. “分数或百分数+主语,谓语跟主语保持一致。   Two thirds of the villages are flooded (the area is under water).主谓一致 (2)5. 不定代词(one, each, everyone, everybody, everything, no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something)作主语,谓语用单数。   Everyone knows that you’ve come here.    If anybody wants to see me, let them wait till I come back.    (--thing 的情况例外)6. 谓语同并列主语的第一部分保持一致(as well as, with, along with, together with, as much as, accompanied by, besides, but, except, in addition to, like, more than, no less than, rather than, including等)   He no less than John is interested in literature.主谓一致 (3)7. 谓语同最贴近的主语保持一致。(or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, not…but, partly…partly)   Either my father or my brothers are coming.   8. each,every,many a, no …+主语,谓语用单数。   Many a student and teacher has been to the Great Wall.  真题剖析(2000) …Mexico City already 52 twenty million people and Calcutta twelve million. According to the World Bank, 53 of Africa’s cities are growing by 10% a year,  54 of urbanization ever recorded. Lapeh>1T  
   53. A. none   B. few   C. any   D. some NPv.7,  
   54. A. event  B. work  C. level  D. rate Sg%s\p]N_#  
倒装 V~jp  
一、全部倒装 *Mg@j;+5s  
二、部分倒装 ;4dFL\KU  
  FaJK R  
全部倒装 g/l:q&Q<  
1. “There (Here) +be+主语 L!Tvz(_7f6  
  There stand big buildings in this district. q%M~gp1  
  Here on the desk lies a pile of books. D HQxu4  
2. 单个副词(in, out, now, up, down, away, off, then)位于句首(短语动词不可拆,如it blew up.) iM7 ^  
   In came the boss. / Ahead sat an old man. [&P @0F n  
3. 介词短语作状语位于句首 ^6{op3R_  
   In the middle of the room stood the naughty boy. [< g9jX5  
z80(+ `   
全部倒装 k:V9_EI=  
4. 表语位于句首  96;5  
  Especially remarkable was his flat nose. A#K<5%U{Mv  
  Not far from here is a famous university. t%e<]2-8  
5. so,nor, neither, no more 位于句首,代表前文 /? d)01  
  She wasn’t angry, and neither was I. gREk,4DAv  
  Peter doesn’t like pop music. No more does his brother. -B/'ArOo]  
6. 分词短语位于句首(分词+be +主语) }'}n~cA.{  
  Gone forever were the days that we depended on foreign oil. %=*|: v  
部分倒装 9fs-|E[5  
1. 疑问句 "~.4z,ha  
2. 否定副词(seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly, little, never, few, not until, not only) 位于句首(作形容词时例外) Ad,n+%"e  
   Never did John speak rudely to his parents. RcJtVOrd  
3. “only+状语位于句首 cR!M{U.q  
   Only when he comes back can be leave. :_xfi9L~W0  
4. “hardly…when”, “scarcely…when”, “no sooner…than”, “not only…(but also)” 位于句首 (x\VGo  
  No sooner had he got into the classroom than the class began. iF +@ aA  
部分倒装 )\D{5j  
5. not,no组成的词组位于句首(in no way, under no  circumstances, on no account…) fwA8=o SZd  
   By no means should you break the rules. $aU.M3  
   At no time should we give in to difficulties. ?%~^PHgZ|  
6. 虚拟倒装(had, were, should放到句首)   a}FY^4hl+  
7. “形容词/名词/动词+as/though(尽管,虽然)+be动词 A15Kj#Oy  
   Small though the room is, it can hold more than twenty people. !x ~s`z  
   Search as they would, they could find nothing in the house. R{Zd ]HT  
  }wp/,\_ >  
EN[T3 Y  
真题剖析 EAXl.Y. $  
(2000) Faster than ever before, the human world is becoming an urban world. By the millions they come, the ambitious and the down-trodden of the world drawn by the strange magnetism of urban  46  . <b *sn] l  
   46. A. way   B. life   C. area   D. people o9sPyY$aQ  
限定词的用法 L~;(M6Jp  
1. Both, each, either, neither (只指两个) vOz1& |;D  
2. All, every, each, some, any, no (指两个以上) ^vT!2 4sK  
3. Some, any, more, (the) most, all, a lot, lots, enough, none (复数可数或不可数) flC%<V%'-  
4. Much, (a) little, a good/great deal, less, (the) least (不可数) lqMr@ :t  
eg. “Got any money?” “None at all.” x$o^;2Z  
eg. “Does either side of this street get more sun that the other?” “No, neither side is sunnier than the other.” _iq62[i3^  
从句为考察重点 [(3s5)O  
(1999) …The answers given by 200 women to those intimate open-ended questions made me realize that  51  was wrong could not be related to education in the way it was then believed to be. … S:}"gwFM  
  51. A. which  B. what  C. it  D. that 4LB8p7$|a3  
  O HpV%8 `  
/A-WI x  
(1998) They learned to   51  their farming habits to the climate and soil.   52   they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving   53  , they invited their neighbors, … D 6 y,Q  
  52. A. While      B. When   C. So  D. If 7g"u)L&32  
(1993) In the United States a commentator remarked that  45  Japan apparently still used some “primitive tools”,  46  a Japanese commentator expressed astonishment that the American pens wrote so poorly they could safely be used only once and then discarded. W!? h2[  
  46. A. though  B. when   C. while  D. and that ~o%igJ }.C  
四大解题要决 r niM[7K  
语义连接法 eyyME c!  
逻辑关系对应分析法 "hf |7E_  
同义复现法 s b;q)Rh  
褒贬一致法 ,.W7Z~z  
  I!S Eb  
(一) 语义连接法 bu]"?bc  
     1. 表示时间关系:meantime, meanwhile, when, after then…,时间状语 m<-ShRr*b  
     :Last summer I took a job as a waitress. My motives at the time were purely ulterior: I had been attracted by local fables of the generous tips left by tourists My routine was the regular one:take orders,carry food, . During that first week, I could only stumble home after a day’s work and fall in bed. Even when I had become accustomed to the routine, I never had any trouble …. By the end of the summer, I had firmly resolved … \]u;NbC]  
v .jxG {~.  
  h <LFTYE@  
     2. 表示空间关系:up, down, inside, over, beyond…用于描写自然环境,地形地貌,房屋布置,物体构造的语篇。 :dSda,!z  
     : It was the green heart of the canyon,   Here all things rested. Even the narrow q#W|fkfx+  
       On one side, beginning at the…was a tiny meadow….Beyond the pool a gentle slope of earth ran up and up…. Below, the canyon was shut in.There was no view…. Up the canyon rose far hills and peaks…. And far beyond,like clouds upon the border of the sky,… ;XurH%Mg  
  'k X8}bx  
ef7{D P  
      B{nwQC b  
     3. 表示例举和顺序:first(ly), second(ly), third(ly); one, two, three(学术论文和科技文章);for one thing(and) for another (thing); for a start (非正式);to begin with, to start with; in the first place, in the second place; next, then; finally, eventually, last, lastly; to conclude… ,CfslhO{j  
  ><<>4(eF p  
s@F&N9o h  
     4.表示意义增进和引申: again, also, furthermore, moreover, then, in addition, above all, what is more ?QOU9"@+B  
     : You should not trust advertisements. Look at the products themselves. Talk to your friendsRead about product research And then you will . Above all, dont buy a product because an advertisement says that  a famous football player or a movie star likes it. 'hpOpIsHa  
  'C1l P)S5  
kxM vOB$  
  EeW ,-I  
lPy|>& Yc  
  w% %q/![uy  
     5. 表示转折和对比:but, however, nevertheless, still, though, yet, in any case, at any rate, in spite of that, after all, instead, then, on the contrary, by way of contrast, conversely, by way of comparison, on the other hand Vrt$/ d  
, >LJpv  
    6. 表示等同和替换:equally, likewise, similarly, in the same way; namely, in other words, that is, that is to say; better, rather, alternatively, on the other hand;(or) again, (even) better, worse (still)  %?ElC  
     例:He may be late. Worse still, he may not come at all. uo#1^`P  
         Would you like to have a meeting about the matter this afternoon? Alternatively, we could discuss it at dinner. ingG  
Aa ~W,  
     7. 表示过渡和总结:incidentally, now, by the way; altogether, overall, all in all, in all, in brief, in conclusion, in short, to conclude, to sum up YX$(Sc3.6  
     :Norway welcomes children, and here, as usually elsewhere, there is 70% reduction for those up to threeYou are half-price, incidentally, until you are 15 on Norwegian trains and most buses and steamers. TeHJj`rdAU  
  C[J9 =!t  
     8. 表示结果和推论:as a result, accordingly, consequently, as a (in) consequence, for this /that reason, on that account, in that case, so, hence, therefore, then, thus; accordingly; else, otherwise rzf Lp  
     :The factory was burned down last night; on that account many workmen were thrown out of employment. M\]lNQA  
     To meet the needs of the new situation, agriculture had to undergo a drastic change – that was indisputable; else (=if not, otherwise) the country would have starved. ` Fd \dn  
真题示例 +_5*4>MC  
     2001When we think about addiction to drugs or alcohol, we frequently focus on negative aspects, ignoring the pleasures that accompany drinking or drug-taking.  46 the essence of any serious addiction is a pursuit of pleasure, a search for a high Hjm> I'9  
    46. A. Hence     B. Because  ^'`b\$km-0  
           C. And yet    D. moreover -SsgW  
"Z.6@ c7  
     (2002/3) …Women have moved into the world of work and have become adept at meeting expectations in that arena,  48  maintaining their family roles of nurturing and creating …. L!}!k N:?  
   48. A. by    B. while    C. hence   D. thus CI W4E  
  s= Fp[>qA  
     (2000) … Explosive population growth  49  a torrent of migration from the countryside are creating cities that dwarf the great capitals of the past. , $7-SN  
   49. A. of    B. like   C. and    D. or K#R]of~/  
  "w caJ;Os  
6#z8 %k aX  
d{fd 5jv;  
  )tlj{ 7p  
     (1996)  If the trajectory is in fact pursued, industrial growth will  53  have to come to an immediate halt,… '\bokwsP  
   53. A. rather   B. hardly   C. then    D. hence nCYz ];".  
     (1998) … The puritans,  48  they were called, had much to be thankful 49 . byM%D$R  
   48. A. since   B. like   C. for   D. as mV}b Q^*?Z  
   Z_ GGH2u  
sc*R :"  
P0 0G*iY~\  
(二)逻辑关系对应分析法 5( <O?#P  
     1. 并列关系同义词解法 JSUD$|RiJ  
     2. 对立关系反义词解法 +3o vO$g  
     3. 总—分式解法 HzM\<YD  
     4. 分—总式解法 |uy@v6  
真题示例 x<I[?GT=  
WWSycH ?[  
  X>$ Wf3  
+E. D:  
     (2001) A heroin addict, for instance, leads a  59   life, his increasing need for heroin in increasing doses prevents him from working, from maintaining relationships, from developing in human ways. 60  an alcoholic’s life is narrowed and dehumanized by his dependence on alcohol. @ 95p[  
   60. A. Similarly   B. Conversely  GyL9}  
         C. Naturally    D. Generally l^I? @{W  
(三)同义反复法 \JPMGcL  
     同义词的重复表强调 u.q3~~[=  
     近义词的运用表递进 E 14DZ  
     相关词的搭配表衔接 ]]y>d!  
真题示例 t,LK92?  
     (1999) Gradually, without seeing it clearly for quite a while, I came to realize that something is very wrong with the way American women are trying to live their lives today. I sensed it first as a  46  mark in my own life, as  47 wife and mother of three small children, half-guilty, and therefore half-heartedly using my abilities and education in work that took me  48  home. It was this personal question mark that let me to spend a great deal of time doing … H, 3Bf  
   46. A. question  B. dark  Q@}SR%p  
        C. significant   D. quotation iZk4KX  
     (2002/3) At least since the Industrial Revolution, gender roles have been in a state of transition. As a result, cultural scripts about marriage have undergone change. One of the more obvious  46  has occurred in the roles that women  47 … >!Gq[i0  
   46. A. incidents  B. changes . AA# G  
        C.results  D.effects E uO:}[  
     (2002/10) Assuming that a constant travel-time budget, geographic constraints and short-term infrastructure constraints persist as fundamental features of global mobility, what long-term results can one expect? … In several developing regions, most travel  50  in 2050 will be devoted to non-motorized modes. Buses will persist  51  the primary form of motorized transportation in developing countries for decades. =P,mix|  
   51.A. to   B. as  C. with   D. over oeKl\cgFx  
  B (eXWWT_  
     (2002/10)52  important air travel becomes, buses, automobiles and  53  low-speed trains will surely go on serving vital functions.  54  of the super-rich already commute and shop in aircraft, but average people will continue to spend most of their travel time on the  55 . %{'[S0@Z  
  55. A.mountain  B.ground  C.sky  D.land E9k%:&]vd  
(四)褒贬一致法 .+Q1h61$T  
     作者的褒贬观 b i-Am/9  
     段落中的褒贬观 Z}zka<y6K6  
     句群中的褒贬观 ^{J^o Z'%~  
真题示例 !p ~.Y+  
     (2000) Is the trend good or bad? Can the cities cope? No one knows 55 . Without question, urbanization has produced 56 so ghastly that they are difficult to comprehend. Z 9cb  
   56. A. miracles     B. miseries ~eTp( XG  
        C. mysteries   D. misunderstandings  V@LBy1z  
     12 zZ9Ei-Q  
in droves: 一大群,成群结队地 UCmJQJc  
     Tourists come in droves to see the giant panda. ve a$G~[%6  
   成群结队的游客前来观赏大熊猫。 EQ"_kJ>81Y  
  CNj |vYj  
dwarf: v. 使矮小,使显得矮小 ZHwN3  
     The new building dwarfs all the other buildings in the town. |VE.khq#  
   新大楼使城里所有其他建筑物都显得矮小了。 /Re67cMQ*  









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