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主题 : 同济大学2010年博士试题(解剖+外语)
级别: 论坛版主
楼主  发表于: 2010-03-15   


一 名词解释 (25分) F-nt7l  
椎间盘 ;rFa I^  
肺段 * PZ=$>r  
舌下神经核 OygYP  
海绵窦 myYe~f4=HQ  
奇静脉 zUh(b= ,  
{Hb _o)S  
二 填空题 (25分) lfhB2^ ^  
1固定卵巢的韧带有 Deam%)bXM]  
2臂前群肌包括,受()神经支配 f7`y*9^  
3胃的入口称(),胸膜顶是()与()相互移行形成的 ,其体表投影是() \nLO.,  
4肠系膜下动脉分支为 .RT5sj\d  
5内耳骨迷路包括 }b-?Dm_H  
6 脑干的副交感核包括 Mfgd;FsX#  
7沿胸外侧血管排列的淋巴结是(),胸导管汇入() d#(xP2  
8支配眼外肌运动的神经是 f_ ::?  
三判断题(15分) }SYvGp{J,  
1 第6~8胸椎的半横断损伤后,出现同侧剑胸平面以下的深感觉障碍,同侧下肢硬瘫,对侧肋公平面以下的躯干下肢痛温觉消失 /5o~$S  
2 眼神经控制泪腺的分泌,舌咽神经控制腮腺的分泌 J sH9IK:  
3 内侧丘系由薄束核和锲束核发出的纤维交叉上行构成,传导对侧半身的本位感觉,终止于丘脑的腹后内侧核 !rXyw`6N  
4 房水经巩膜静脉窦汇入眼静脉,脑脊液经蛛网膜粒渗入硬脑膜窦内 uv@4/M`  
5 输尿管的第二狭窄位于小骨盆上口,跨过髂血管处。食管的第二个狭窄在第4、5胸椎之间,左主支气管跨过其前方 Q{>{ e3z}  
6 穿棘孔的是脑膜中动脉,穿圆孔的是下颌神经 4Iz~3fqB7  
7 关节囊内有韧带的是髋关节和膝关节,有关节唇的关节是髋关节和肩关节 S]<Hx_[}  
8 与颞浅动脉伴行的是耳颞神经,与肱深动脉伴行的是桡神经 kY*D s;  
9 听觉中枢位于大脑皮质的颞横回,听觉性语言中枢位于大脑皮质颞上回中部 k: c)|2  
10 胆囊底体表投影右锁骨中线与右肋交点处,阑尾根部位于右髂前上级与脐连线的中外1、3交点处。 \}cEHLq  
四 简答题 v67o>`<$  
1 坐骨神经的行程及分子分布 ~*H!zKIx  
2 子宫的形态,位置,及固定装置 E")82I  
3 简述心的传导系统 chxO*G  
外语 O7E0{8  
一 词汇题 mio\}S A  
共20题,每题0.5分,大学6级范围 =n9|r.\&uJ  
二阅读理解 aQcJjF5x  
共5篇,25道选择题,50分。生词不多,一般能够读懂,篇幅较长 p6|0JBm  
三 英译汉(25分) @<l7"y;\  
Please ,my dear husband ,be so generous as to let me have a little word of my own. If you find me scrawling on a piece of paper, please don’t breathe down my neck . It may be that I am venting some pent-up feelings, long denied expressions, or attempting to sketch out something visualized from my childhood memories which glows in my mind like a rainbow when I am in such a mood, please leave me alone and let me write as the pen dictates. ZMoN  
Don’t disturb me, my dear , when I get nostalgic over some old photos or letters which bring tears to my eyes or smiles on my lips, for those were things that happened to me before I met you , the joys and sorrows, parting and reunions that taste like green olive or glitter like scattered pearls. They are my cherished memories which, ready as I am to share with you ,I which like to indulge in by myself for a while 8M !If  
I hope you wont mind when I go without for a nice chat with a close friendof mine . you are my bosom friend, but you cant take the place of other friends any more than they can do yours . I need their care , encouragement and sobering criticism just as I do yours . A starless sky with a solitary moon would be dull and clearless ,why not let there be a moonlit night resplendent with twinkling sters? )p 2kx  
I my occasionally want to make a tour of for away places, please don’t hold me back when I start packing for it. You are the center of my life , but certainly not the whole of it . I yearn to see the mysteries and wonders of the world miles away beyon the mountains ; so let me have a chance to explore my ‘Alice’s” wonderland as a “lone ranger”. Sometime when I come bace to you with exotic experience and fresh insights, Im sure you will look at me in a new light. { "=d7i  
My dear busband ,so long as you let me have such a litter ,litter world, -FdhV%5]  
I will be very much indebted to you . {4\(HrGNk  
~^ Q`dJL  
四 作文(20分) hjs[$ ,1  
要求250到300个字 6_rS!X  
Off-Farm Workers and Urbanization Drive in China ^GHA,cSf  








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2011-01-08   
级别: 初级博友
板凳  发表于: 2011-07-11   

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